Do we need standardised pricing in ICT web / mobile application development in Malawi? Join the conversation!
Bants2Business is a multi-platform forum that connects young entrepreneurs and businesses to growth opportunities, resources, and mentorship through innovative events and new media. It aims to bring a fresh approach to networking and mentorship for startups and young entrepreneurs in Malawi through discussions, interviews, and events.
Bram Fudzulani – Founder and Managing Director of Angle Dimension and the ICT Association of Malawi President
Wiza Jalakasi – VP, Developer Relations at Chipper Cash
Joel Fickson Ngozo – Founder & Lead Developer at Vwaza Multimedia
If there is a need to have standardised pricing for web and mobile application development in Malawi.
On Twitter, @Bants2Business
26th January, 2022, 2000HRS CAT
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