The Classroom of the Future | EDTECH INNOVATION IN AFRICA

With funding from the World Bank as operationalized by the Public Private Partnership Commission on behalf of the Malawi Government, the Ntha Foundation, in the third phase of the Digital Malawi Project, aims to assist young entrepreneurs by providing Business sub grants to outstanding entrepreneurs who will take part in the digital skills training and the Nyenyezi Fellowship program through the Bants2Business platform. Bants2Business is a multi-platform forum that aims at connecting young entrepreneurs and businesses growth opportunities, resources and experience mentorship through innovative events and new media. 

Bants2Business held its first event of the year on the 27th of January at NXT GEN LABS. This edition was under the theme, The classroom of the future, where the conversation centered around incorporating technology in education.

Attendees of the event
Victor Caeser Gondwe (Community Manager) giving introductory remarks

The panel session was facilitated by Godfrey Kambewa with Professor Chomora Mikeka, Eugene Maseya and Rebecca Saeluzika Mzungu as panelists. 

The host, Godfrey Kambewa

Expounding on its main topic, the panel discussed Education, Digitalization and Innovation, and how the Education sector survived the pandemic. The panelists shared what The Classroom of the future looks like to them and what efforts they have made towards this picture.

Professor Chomora Mikeka, our guest of honor, on the panel

Only 39% of our secondary schools are equipped with laboratories for experimentation and studies. As we are talking about the role of technology in the education sector we should stress about the use of AI and gamification to establish virtual science laboratories. These virtual laboratories will complement the lack of physical infrastructure in the education sector, as digital learning is the revolution.

Professor Chomora Mikeka on the role of technology in the education sector

Eugene Maseya on the panel

The education sector in the future will be more democratic, it will be more interactive, it will entail trying out new ideas and the education will focus more on the end-user, the picture will not be represented by having a teacher stand in front of the classroom.

Eugene Maseya on what he visualizes the classroom of the future
Rebecca Saeluzika Mzungu on the panel

We should come together and work towards certifying online learning systems – there’s a stigma on people that learn online that should be removed because ultimately, we’re all getting access to the same things. Online Learning Management Systems such as Digi Savvy Africa are focusing on accessibility of materials and inclusivity as we are developing AI to include those living with different disabilities in the education sector.

Rebecca Saeulizika Mzungu on certifying online systems

The panel discussion was followed by a pitch deck where the winning pitcher walked home with $1000. 

[link to pitch winners post] 

To watch the highlights of the event, visit our YouTube Channel:

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